
When the tenants saw him, they said to themselves, “This is the heir. Let us kill him, so that the inheritance may be ours.” Matthew 21:15 ESV1

Read Matthew 21:33-46, Mark 12:1-12 & Luke 20:9-19

Revolutions are as old as history itself but no two such revolts are exactly the same. Some rebellions throughout human existence have brought about small changes; others have caused a complete overhaul of the previous administration. There is no set length of time it takes to complete a social revolution, nor is there a determiner of any one’s lasting influence. Though revolts often occur due to a perceived inadequacy or abuse of power, they actually happen for a variety of reasons. Many uprisings are violent, while other spirited protests are largely peaceful. But what all revolutions have in common is that they create some kind of change. A story, told by Jesus, illustrates the significant change which occurred as a result of the most fundamental revolt of all time.

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That’s Not Fair!

“So, the last will be first, and the first last.” Matthew 20:16 ESV1

Read Matthew 20:1-16

As an oldest child who is the daughter of oldest children who themselves were raised by oldest children, I have an innate sense of fairness. It is important to me that I be as impartial and equitable as possible in my dealings with others. I strive to be free from bias and I seek to avoid all injustice. And I expect that others will be as gracious to me in return. So, I have to admit when I first read the following parable of Jesus, I had a hard time reconciling what seems to be so completely unfair.

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