Are You Out of Your Mind?

When His family heard it, they went out to seize Him, for they were saying, “He is out of his mind.” Mark 3:21 ESV1

Read Mark 3:20-21, 31-35 & 6:1-6; Matthew 12:46-50 & 13:53-58 & Luke 8:18-21

Close your eyes and imagine yourself walking along the dusty streets of an ancient village called Nazareth.

“Picture Nazareth with a population of around 400 in the first century. The roads [are] unpaved and public buildings [are] few. The houses [are] all one story, made of mud and stones and topped with thatched roofs. The windows of the small dwellings [are] usually high ‘allowing for light and ventilation but keeping passersby from peering in on [occupants] asleep on … straw mat[s] …

[Watch as women] … grind [their] flour, cook, and eat [with their families] in … courtyard[s].’ [See as] neighbors [come] together in … adjoining courtyards … ‘Everyone [is using] limestone or chalk cups, mugs, bowls, and storage vessels.’ … [They are consuming mostly] bread [which makes] … up about 70 percent of their daily calories…

Welcome to life in the first century. They [live] en masse, [eat] with the neighbors, and [travel] in caravans. While no home is perfect, there was one in Nazareth that [houses] a boy who [is] … [This Boy’s name is,] Jesus. [He is] exceptional. Yes, utterly perfect and morally flawless.”2

But so many in Nazareth are unaware of just how special Jesus is.

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For the Audience of One

And all spoke well of Him and marveled at the gracious words that were coming from His mouth … [but it wasn’t long before] all in the synagogue were filled with wrath. And they rose up and drove Him out of town and brought Him to the brow of the hill … so that they could throw Him down the cliff.                                         Luke 4:22 & 28b-29 ESV1

Read Luke 4: 16-30, Matthew 13:53-58 & Mark 6:1-6

People are fickle. They like it when you encourage them and tell them what they want to hear. But when you confront them on some issue, they are usually not so friendly. Though it likely didn’t surprise Jesus, because “He knew what was in a man” (John 2:25), and He had seen Israel “kill the prophets and stone those sent to” her (Matthew 23:37), Jesus Himself experienced this truth, you might say, a little too close to home in Nazareth, from his own relatives, friends, and neighbors.

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