And Jesus said to him, “You go and do likewise.” Luke 10:37b ESV1
Read Luke 10:25-37
Quite a while ago, God laid upon my heart to pray for those He brought to my mind or pointed out to me as I went about my daily activities. The Lord made it clear to me that I should not only pray for the situations in which these people found themselves but for their salvations too. So, one day when I was traveling into the city nearest my home to run errands, I saw a man parked alongside the road with car trouble. I immediately began to pray that he would get the help he needed and that God would work through his situation and his day to bring him to a saving knowledge of Christ.
Then it occurred to me, that although I was faithful to God’s leading to pray for the salvation of man I had seen, if I were in an actual conversation with him, I might not even attempt to steer the discussion toward Christ. I felt like a hypocrite. As I prayed for forgiveness, I told God, “All I have ever really wanted out of life is to take care of what I have, love the people I have been given, enjoy the simple pleasures in life, be a breath of fresh air to everyone I meet, and to, hopefully, through those things, bring a smile to Your face. But if that is not enough, You are going to have to help me.”
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