Seeker Friendly

 “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the Lost.” Luke 19:10 ESV1

Read Luke 19:1-10

Only heartless Christians don’t care about lost souls. Only narcissistic Christ-followers want to keep the Good News to themselves. Only selfish Believers don’t want to create welcoming opportunities for those desiring to get closer to Jesus. But gearing church services and activities to reach those who don’t yet know Christ is easier said than done. Contemporary music can initiate intimate times of worship, but it can also become pure performance. Casual attire can promote humility as easily as it can unholiness. Sermons intended to be relevant can meet people where they are but often don’t lift up them to where they should be. Limiting religious decor can remove distraction or it can take the focus entirely off of Christ. Seeker-friendly services can become fabulous shows of what man can do instead of what God can do–if they are missing one crucial ingredient. Looking more closely at a familiar Scriptural account can help us discover what that often-lacking element is.

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